Board Game Design Edict

In chaos we must create order. As such, in board games we've created a set of rules that we abide by that helps us create the best products possible.

These are the ten board game design edicts that we design by.

1. Learning to Play is Intuitive and Retainable

The design of the game should take into account the accessibility and learning experience. Ideally, new players can be presented with a few core rules and start to take turns due to the presentation and order of operations. Retention should also be a factor, enabled by few to no rules exceptions.

2. Quick Beginning and Organic Gameplay

Streamlined setup with minimal pre-game choices. The gameplay experience allows players to jump right in for an organic based flow where anything can happen within the confines of the ruleset. We love games that have an interesting beginning, middle, and an end rather than a race to the finish.

3. Limited Random Generation

Dice, shuffled card draws, and random placement reveals are fun but ultimately should not be the determining factors of gameplay, or resulting finish. Interesting choices are better than luck.

4. Limited analysis paralysis

Players should be provided with a sufficient amount of legible information on player mats and game boards. Gameplay should not be halted by over detailed text, and components that are spread across the table whereby players are forced to read and determine choices from across the table.

5. Advance-of-Turn Strategic Forethought

There should be ample opportunity for players to plan their moves ahead of time while waiting on their opponents for their next turn. Simultaneous play is also interesting if well-designed.

6. Rewards and Forward momentum

Players should feel like they’ve progressed to a superior position during the game rather than at the beginning. The game systems should enable an accelerated based progression model (eg. engine building). Players shouldn't feel punished for decisions that they have made or for situations presented that are out of their control. Less optimal choices can be offered while still encouraging participation throughout the entire gameplay experience.

7. No Animosity Policy

We like to limit the number of table flipping moments to 0. In the spirit of competition, our games should encourage players to interact positively with little spite towards other players for game based decisions.

8. Well Themed with Correlating Game Systems

The mechanics should be designed to keep players immersed in the suspension of disbelief set by the game's theme universe. There are interesting and more thematic ways of showing players what they can do on their turn.

9. Memorable moments, and Epic Experiences

Bonus points to a game that creates opportunities for players to experience the true splendor of gameplay interactions. Although difficult to achieve, games that imprint lasting impressions will have players taking pictures and telling stories to capture their adventures!

10. High Replability with Many Paths to Victory!

Nothing says success better than a game that can be played dozens if not hundreds of times. Simply put, players couldn't play the same game twice even if they tried.